Here is a list of the most common reasons someone may choose to purchase a life insurance policy with guaranteed approval:
Guaranteed Life Insurance Explained
Guaranteed issue life insurance, also known as guaranteed acceptance life insurance, is a type of life insurance policy that offers coverage to individuals who may not be able to obtain traditional life insurance due to age, health, or other factors.
With guaranteed issue life insurance, the policyholder is not required to undergo a medical exam or provide any medical information. As the name suggests, the policy is guaranteed to be issued if the individual meets the age requirements and pays the premium.
Guaranteed issue life policies are typically offered with lower death benefits and higher premiums than traditional life insurance policies.
The death benefit is the amount of money that will be paid out to the beneficiary upon the policyholder's death. The premiums, or the amount paid for the policy, are often higher because the insurer is taking on a greater risk by insuring individuals without medical information.
The policyholder will pay premiums for the duration of the policy, typically until death.
The death benefit will be paid out to the beneficiary upon the policyholder's death and can be used to cover final expenses such as funeral costs, medical bills, and outstanding debts.
It is important to note that guaranteed issue plans often come with a waiting period before the full death benefit will be paid out. This waiting period is typically two years, and if the policyholder passes away during this time, the death benefit may be reduced or only the premiums paid (plus interest) may be refunded. Get a guaranteed issue life insurance quote.
Who Needs Guaranteed Life Insurance?
Some reasons to buy life insurance with Guaranteed Approval include:
Features of Guaranteed Life Insurance
Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage to individuals who may not be able to obtain traditional life insurance due to age, health, or other factors.
The policy does not require a medical exam or health questionnaire, but often comes with a waiting period and higher premiums. The death benefit is paid out to the beneficiary upon the policyholder's death and can be used to cover final expenses.
Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance Quotes
Top Pick – Mutual of Omaha
Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply online now. START HERE to get a FREE Quote.
Highly Recommended – Allstate Benefits Insurance Company
Allstate Benefit's Guaranteed Acceptance policy offers $10,000 to $75,000 of coverage to working applicants between the ages of 18 and 70. Rates start as low as $9.65 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply today. No waiting period. Start Here to get a FREE Quote.
NOTE: To qualify, applicants must be working at least 20 hours per week, and not collecting any form of disability income or SSDI.
Additional Resources:
Buy Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Under Age 50
Top 10 Reasons to Buy Guaranteed Life Insurance
Life Insurance No Medical Exam or Questions
Life Insurance for Seniors Age 50-85
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