Affordable Life Insurance Protection for Your Family

Stonebridge Life Insurance

Stonebridge Life Insurance Company merged into Transamerica Life Insurance Company on October 1, 2015.

Stonebridge Life Insurance Company

Stonebridge Life was well known for their guaranteed issue life insurance plan that is now offered through Transamerica.

Transamerica Life Insurance Company

4333 Edgewood Road N.E.

Cedars Rapid, Iowa  52499

Phone: 319-355-8511

Financial Strength Rating:   "A+" (Superior) from AM Best Company

Transamerica is one of the world’s leading financial services companies, providing insurance and investments to more than 19.5 million customers. Transamerica Life Insurance Company was founded in 1906.

They offer several types of life insurance plans including term life, whole life and final expense insurance.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance through Transamerica

Guaranteed acceptance life insurance is available for senior citizens. You can choose up to $10,000 of permanent life insurance protection that builds cash value.

People age 45 to 75 can get covered and there’s no health examination required.

As long as your premiums are paid when due, you are guaranteed coverage for life.

Transamerica Life Insurance Company was established in 1906 and is rated A+ Superior by AM Best Company for financial strength.

Transamerica offers guaranteed acceptance life insurance for people age 45 to 75.

With guaranteed coverage there’s no health examination required and no health questions asked.

If someone relies on you for financial support, guaranteed issue life insurance can help by providing financial security for your loved ones.

It can provide funds needed to pay for your final expenses, including your burial and funeral costs, medical bills or other debts you may have.


Highly Recommended – Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance 

Transamerica offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 75. Choose $2,000 up to $10,000 of coverage. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. 

With Transamerica you cannot be denied coverage for health reasons.

You can choose from $2,000 up to $10,000 of life insurance. Recent surveys of funeral costs indicate the average cost of a funeral in America is around $7,700.

Transamerica offers a quick approval process, so you get the coverage you need, when you need it.

Your life insurance coverage will never decrease and Transamerica will not cancel your policy, unless you stop paying your premiums.

As long as your premiums are paid when due your coverage is guaranteed for life. Coverage is available for you and your spouse.  

NOTE: There are other options available offering higher limits of guaranteed issue life insurance.

Learn how to buy up to $75,000 of guaranteed acceptance life insurance for people aged 18 to 70.

Guaranteed Approval Life Insurance

Stonebridge Life Insurance

Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate