Affordable Life Insurance Protection for Your Family

Life Insurance with Cancer

How to Get Life Insurance If You Have Cancer


Is It Possible for People Diagnosed with Cancer to Buy Life Insurance?

Life Insurance with Cancer

Have you been diagnosed with cancer? If so, you may have considered purchasing a life insurance policy to provide protection for your loved ones.

Whether you have cancer, or you’re a cancer survivor, there are life insurance and burial insurance policies available.

It’s important to have burial coverage, especially for seniors. None of us wants to leave our loved ones with the financial stress of paying for our burial and final expenses, including funeral costs.

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Statistics on Cancer in the U.S. 

According to the National Cancer Institute, it is estimated for the year 2016 that there will be nearly 1.7 million new cases of cancer that will be diagnosed. Of those diagnosed, almost 600,000 will pass away as a result of the disease, which is just under 1 in 3.


Men vs. Women

Actually, men tend to die from cancer at a higher rate than women, particularly in the African-American population. The cancer rate is lowest for women of Asian/Pacific Islander backgrounds. 

Almost 14.5 million people who were diagnosed with cancer lived beyond life expectancy set by doctors. This number is expected to rise to nearly 19 million by 2024. That is a main reason life insurance for cancer patients in remission is growing more affordable.  


Types of Cancer

There are several different types of cancer which are identified by their location in the human body. Their location determines in large part how dangerous the cancer may be. 


The Most Common Types of Cancer:

  1. Breast, Lung, and Bronchus
  2. Prostate, Colon, and Rectum
  3. Bladder, Melanoma, and Thyroid
  4. Kidney, Renal Pelvis, and Pancreatic
  5. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Leukemia


Pancreatic cancer is considered one of the most dangerous types of cancer because it is located near many organs.

The danger presented by each type of cancer will depend on how early the cancer is detected and treated.

If discovered in later stages, most forms of cancer become far harder to treat because they have spread throughout the body. 


Types of Life Insurance Policies for Cancer Patients

There are life insurance and burial policies available for prostate and breast cancer patients. 

Availability of life insurance for people with cancer will depend on several key factors which include whether you are currently suffering from the disease or are in remission, your prognosis, family history, and other medical issues.

For those living with cancer who qualify for coverage, there are different types of life insurance plans available.

Term Life Insurance

Term life is the least expensive type of life insurance that provides low rates and larger amounts of coverage.  

However, a term life policy is defined by having a time limit on the duration of insurance coverage.

Most term insurance policies provide coverage in durations ranging from 10 to 30 years, with rates that vary depending on numerous risk factors. 

Term life insurance for people with cancer is common.


Permanent Life Insurance

This type of life insurance has no time limit, but is considerably more expensive than term insurance. 

Permanent coverage may also come with additional benefits that make it attractive for long-term purchase. These plans may build up some cash value inside the policy from which you may take a loan in the future.


Life Insurance with Graded Death Benefits

This type of life insurance does not pay out the full death benefit the first two years you are insured. Because of this gradual raising of the death benefit, it makes it easier for cancer patients to get covered.

These plans require no health exam and you won’t have to answer any questions about your health.


Can You Get Life Insurance after a Cancer Diagnosis?

It might be very difficult for you to get any kind of insurance coverage if you are diagnosed with cancer and currently undergoing treatment.

Every insurance company has a set of rules and regulations, but most will not accept persons who are currently undergoing cancer treatments. 

There are only a few insurers that will offer life insurance for cancer patients, so this can make your search even more difficult, and the premiums a lot higher.

In any case, it would be good to get burial expense insurance, as it’s designed to help relieve family members of the financial burden and stress that comes with finding a way to pay for the cost of a funeral and burial.


Life Insurance for People with Cancer 

If you invest in burial and funeral life insurance for cancer patients, this policy will provide your family or beneficiaries with the financial assistance that is needed in the event of your death. 

This type of life insurance plan can cover the cost for a number of final expenses including a casket, cremation, flowers, headstone, embalming, casket, memorial service, etc. 


How Much Life Insurance Coverage Do You Need?

A burial insurance policy may provide up to $25,000 of coverage, and would go direct to the beneficiary of your policy.

Aside from the fact that you are diagnosed with cancer, your need for funeral and burial insurance will depend on your individual situation; such as, your financial status, savings, debts and family budget.


When it comes to purchasing burial coverage for cancer survivors, you might want to give it some serious consideration if you:

  1. Don’t have an existing life insurance policy
  2. Want to get coverage for your entire family
  3. Have absolutely no other way to pay for funeral and burial costs
  4. Have limited finances and cannot pay for final expenses and your outstanding debts
  5. Want a different insurance policy to cover just your final expenses including burial and funeral 


Requirement of Medical Records for Life Insurance 

To get insured, even life insurance for terminal cancer patients requires complete medical records covering the events involved. This means both current and past medical history of all cancer-related issues plus your family health history. 


The records need to include the following information: 

  1. Type and Date of First Diagnosis of Cancer
  2. Type of Treatment for cancer
  3. Stage Cancer Has Reached
  4. Length of Time Being Cancer-Free
  5. Report of any Tumors, Lymph Nodes, and Relapses

Adding up all the information combined with any medications that were taken will be part of the qualifying process for life insurance.


You Need Life Insurance Coverage Because:

After getting a diagnosis for cancer the last thing you want to worry about would be how you are going to cover the costs for a funeral and all related final expenses.

This is why life insurance will come in handy for your survivors. The best way to determine if you can qualify for coverage would be to find out how an insurer evaluates you as a cancer patient.


Free Price Quote Comparisons for Life Insurance

One thing is for sure it would be a good idea to shop around and compare pricing when buying a burial policy for cancer patients, as rates may vary quite a bit between insurance carriers.


Guide to Life Insurance for Cancer Patients and Survivors

According to the American Cancer Society, in the U.S. nearly 400 people are saved from cancer every single day.

  1. 460 of every 100,000 people is diagnosed with cancer annually. 
  2. Of those 460 people, about 174 people die from it. 
  3. In our lifetimes, 40.6 percent of all men and women will receive a cancer diagnosis.
  4. Approximately 13,400,000 Americans are living with cancer right now.
  5. 66.1 percent of those diagnosed with cancer will survive.

The good news is cancer survivors can get insured for life insurance. 


What is Cancer?

Cancer is a term used to encompass all types of malignant tumors, called neoplasms.

Tumors can grow on any living organ or tissue within the human body. Cancer is essentially abnormal growth of cells.

Cancer cells contain mutated DNA and divide unusually quickly. Cancerous tumors grow from sells that double themselves without dying off. 

How quickly tumors grow is classified by Stage or Grade. A Grade I tumor is most favorable, while a Grade IV tumor carries the worst prognosis.

Cancer treatment depends on the type and stage of your cancer. Common cancer treatments include surgery to remove tumors, immunotherapy, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.


Underwriting of Life Insurance

In order to be financially viable, life insurance companies that offer coverage to cancer survivors must carefully assess risk levels before approving new policyholders, especially if they’ve had a cancer diagnosis in the past. 

While some life insurers may decline coverage for cancer survivors, other companies may offer you a life insurance policy. 


Are You Ready to Get Insured?

If you’re ready to get started, you can request a free quote for coverage by selecting an option from the offers listed below. 

Just click on the link, fill out a short Quote Request Form and you will instantly receive your free price quotes for life insurance.


Life Insurance Quotes


Top Pick – JRC Insurance Group

JRC Insurance Group helps you shop, compare and save on life insurance. Regardless of your age or health background, we'll shop our 40+ insurance companies and find you affordable life insurance you need to protect your family and fit your budget. Compare the best life insurance rates for savings up to 73%. Get Your FREE Quote


Highly Recommended – Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people age 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply online now. START HERE to get a FREE Quote.

  • Your life insurance policy comes with a 30 day Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee

Highly Recommended – Allstate Benefits Insurance Company

Allstate Benefit's Guaranteed Acceptance policy offers $10,000 to $75,000 of coverage to working applicants between the ages of 18 and 70. Rates start as low as $9.65 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply today. No waiting period. Start Here to get a FREE Quote.

NOTE: To qualify, applicants must be working at least 20 hours per week, and not collecting any form of disability income or SSDI.

Can You Get Life Insurance If You Have Cancer?

Cancer Life Insurance Company

Life Insurance with Cancer

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