Affordable Life Insurance Protection for Your Family

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance vs. Simplified Issue Life Insurance

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When considering life insurance options, two types that often come up are guaranteed issue life insurance and simplified issue life insurance. These alternative policies may be attractive for various reasons, especially for those with health issues, who may have been denied coverage before, or those who simply prefer to forgo a medical exam when applying for life insurance.

According to the American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), approximately 54% of Americans have life insurance sought alternative routes for procuring it. Whether due to pre-existing health conditions or a desire for a quicker approval process, it's crucial to understand what each policy type entails before deciding on the one that best suits your needs.

Compare Guaranteed Issue vs. Simplified Issue

Jump Ahead To These:

What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

How Guaranteed Life Insurance Works

Benefits of Guaranteed Approval Plans

Get a FREE Quote for Guaranteed Coverage

What is Simplified Issue Life Insurance?

How Simplified Issue Life Insurance Works

Benefits of Simplified Issue Plans

Which Type of Life Insurance is Right for You?

Get a FREE Quote for Simplified Issue Coverage

What is Guaranteed Life Insurance?

Guaranteed issue life insurance is a type of policy that is guaranteed to be issued regardless of the applicant's health status, and it requires no medical questions or medical exam. It's a solid choice especially for individuals aged 45-85 who might have serious health conditions that would disqualify them from other insurance policies. It locks in lifetime coverage that never reduces due to your age or health.

How Guaranteed Life Insurance Works

Since this type of policy poses a higher risk to insurance companies due to minimal underwriting, the premiums can be higher, and the coverage amount is typically lower. Most guaranteed issue insurance policies offer coverage between $5,000 and $25,000.

While it will cost more than insurance types that require a medical exam and health questionnaire, guaranteed issue life insurance provides the assurance of acceptance. Individuals with severe or multiple health problems may find this policy the most attainable and beneficial.

Get a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Quote

Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Plans

  • No medical exam is required
  • No health questions are asked
  • There's a guaranteed approval no matter your health condition if you meet the age requirement of 45-85 years old (*50-75 in NY)
  • The policy usually contains a graded benefits feature which provides coverage for accidental death upon policy issue, and full death benefits after a certain period (usually 2 years, known as the waiting period).
  • Builds cash value over time from which you may take a loan

What is Simplified Issue Life Insurance?

Alternatively, there is simplified issue life insurance. This is a type of life insurance that doesn't require a medical exam by a doctor but does require a health questionnaire. This type of policy considers factors such as weight, smoker status, occupation, hobbies, driving record, lifestyle, family health history, among others. It can offer coverage to individuals aged 18-70.

How Simplified Issue Life Insurance Works

The simplified issue policy typically provides higher coverage amounts than guaranteed issue insurance, usually up to $500,000 or more, depending on the insurer. It generally has a faster approval process than fully underwritten policies, sometimes in as little time as a couple of days.

However, this policy type does act as a middle ground, and, unlike guaranteed issue life insurance, it can still result in denial based on answers on the health questionnaire.

Gat a Simplified Issue Life Insurance Quote

Benefits of Simplified Issue Life Plans

  • No medical exam is required
  • Higher coverage available than guaranteed issue policies
  • Ages 18 to 70 may qualify for coverage
  • Faster approval process relative to fully underwritten policies
  • It may be more affordable relative to guaranteed issue life insurance, as it partially considers health condition

Which is Right for You – Guaranteed Issue or Simplified Issue?

Choosing Between Guaranteed Issue and Simplified Issue Life Insurance

In terms of deciding between guaranteed issue life insurance versus simplified issue life insurance, it ultimately comes down to personal circumstances and preferences.

For instance, a person diagnosed with a severe health issue might opt for guaranteed issue life insurance for ultimate peace of mind as they maneuver through an uncertain time, knowing fully that they cannot be denied coverage based on their health.

On the other hand, an individual in late adulthood, but with moderate or no health issues, could consider a simplified issue policy. They might appreciate the no medical exam feature and be comfortable with paying less in premiums thanks to a healthier status.

Individuals with families to protect may be moved toward a simplified issue policy because they would ideally want to secure higher death benefits for their loved ones should the unthinkable occur.

Additionally, budget would indeed factor in this decision-making process.

Guaranteed issue coverage represents a costlier option due to the lack of underwriting.

The security that life insurance provides cannot be overstated. It plays a significant role in preserving the financial security of family members after the policyholder's death.

Whether you are seeking peace of mind for final expenses, wanting to provide for your spouse's retirement, or ensuring that your children can afford to go to college after you're gone, an appropriate life insurance policy can be instrumental.

In essence, the best way to determine which life insurance policy type is most suitable for you would be to analyze your individual needs and circumstances, assess the pros and cons, and consult with an insurance expert.

After all, life insurance is a pivotal part of a balanced financial plan. It ensures that your loved ones maintain a standard of living, pay off a mortgage or debts, and even afford to go to college, keeping your dreams for their future alive.

Consider who you are insuring for, how long you want the coverage, how much you’re willing to pay, and most importantly, what gives you peace of mind.

Remember, when it comes to life insurance, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Each individual's situation is unique and thus requires a unique solution.


Whether simplified issue or guaranteed issue is right for you will depend on your current health, financial obligations, future goals, and peace of mind.

A simpler application process and possibility for more immediate coverage can often be beneficial, especially for individuals needing coverage quickly, not wanting to complete a medical exam, or those considered high risk and thus have previously been denied coverage.

By comparing and contrasting the benefits, limitations, cost, and specifics of each policy type, you can make a wise and informed decision on whether guaranteed issue life insurance or simplified issue life insurance is right for you.

The American Council of Life Insurers states that peace of mind, guaranteed acceptance, and financial security are the primary motives for life insurance purchases. Whatever your specific reason, understanding your options and seeking professional advice will help ensure your peace of mind in choosing a life insurance policy that best suits your personal circumstances and budget. Life is unpredictable, but your financial security shouldn't be.

Simplified Issue Life Insurance Quotes

Top Pick – JRC Insurance Group

JRC Insurance Group helps you shop, compare and save on life insurance. Regardless of your age or health background, we'll shop our 63 top life insurance companies and find you affordable life insurance you need to protect your family and fit your budget. 

JRC Insurance offers up to $2,000,000 of life insurance with no medical exam required.

You can get approval for your insurance policy in as little as 10 minutes to 2 days. JRC offers no exam life insurance for diabetics, too.

JRC offers some of the best rates on life insurance policies without any health exams required.

You can compare and choose from $25,000 to $2,000,000 of no exam life insurance coverage from several leading life insurance carriers through JRC Insurance Group.

Highly Recommended – Globe Life Insurance

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  • No Medical Exam – Simple Application.
  • No Waiting Period. Buy Direct.
  • Rates As Low As $3.49 Per Month.
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  • The Globe Life Family Of Companies Has Over $224 Billion Of Coverage In Force.
  • Globe Life Is Rated A (Excellent) By A.M. Best Company As Of August 2023.

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance Quotes

Top Pick – Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance for people ages 45 to 85. Choose $2,000 up to $25,000 of coverage. Rates start as low as $8.84 per month. There’s no medical exam and no health questions. You cannot be turned down. You can get a quote and apply online now. Start Here to get a FREE Quote

  • Your life insurance policy comes with a 30 day Risk-Free, Money-Back Guarantee

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance vs Simplified Issue

Guaranteed vs. Non Guaranteed Life Insurance

Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance FAQs

Can I Buy Simplified Issue Life Insurance?

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